Remember camcorders? Man, those things were awesome! You’d throw that 50-pound camera on your shoulder and all of a sudden you were a videographer!
Of course, camcorders weren’t exactly the camera of choice for shooting anything but home video, even when the models got lighter and digital recording replaced first the VHS tapes and then the data disc. And considering the Internet was still unheard of when camcorders hit the market in 1985, there’s a slim chance you’ll find marketing videos shot with a camcorder on Instagram.
Fast forward 30 years and every camera has video capabilities and every smartphone can shoot video, too. We’re recording everything from our kids’ Christmas concerts to sunsets to our marketing videos. Once again, everyone can be a videographer!
Video Production Services Are Worth the Money
As new smartphones hit the market, the technology within them is improving. What could be more convenient than picking up your phone and shooting a quick marketing video to post on your website or social media sites?
It certainly is tempting, and in some cases it’s even appropriate. But most of the time—and we’re talking 97% of the time—those quick and fast videos are shot with poor lighting and poor sound quality, they’re shaky, and they lack organization and planning. In short, they’re not good videos. If that’s not reason enough to re-think shooting your marketing videos yourself, here are 10 more:
- Shooting your own video takes up your valuable time. Not only do you have to plan and organize what you’re going to say, the graphics you’ll use, etc., but then you have to actually shoot the video and edit it. Unless your business is video production, those steps are going to take a lot longer than they’d take a video production company.
- Your opinion of video you shoot yourself is biased. Particularly if you’re the one on camera, you’ll be more focused on how you look as opposed to how your message comes across. Plus, it’s difficult to be objective when you’re too close to a project.
- It’s unlikely you are an expert in every aspect of creating marketing videos, which is why video production companies have more than one person on staff: some who write content, some who shoot video, and some who edit video. A lot of video production companies have someone who deals specifically with helping clients market their videos. You may be capable of doing all of those things, but there’s a slim chance you can do all of them really well.
- Looking at your own product or service from a new angle is almost impossible. By hiring an outside professional, your marketing videos will have a fresh look and a new perspective.
- People who work in the video production industry know video marketing. It’s their job to stay current with trends, technology, and equipment. Remember that old camcorder we talked about? That’s a museum piece to them.
- Self-shot videos are notorious for poor lighting and sound. A video production company handles these very important details while the video is being shot, instead of trying to fix them in post-production (which is pretty much impossible).
- Video production experts specialize in marketing through video. They know what audiences respond to and why.
- If you think it’s a good idea to throw the exact same marketing video up on your Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat accounts, you should hire a video production company. They know the way different social media platforms work and how video is best used on each.
- When you invest in video production services, you know you are hiring an experienced team that understand marketing strategy and will help you get your real message out in the most effective way.
- Dazzling, high quality video. Period.
Update Your Marketing Videos on Your Website and Facebook
So there you have it: 10 good reasons to forego the video option on your camera or smartphone and bring in the professionals. Have you tried your hand at videos only to realize you should have outsourced to a video production company? Are you getting ready to include videos in your marketing strategy and need our help? Give us a shout.
Don’t forget to keep up with us through Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. We’re always posting great stuff on how to stay on top of your marketing game and we’d love you to stop in and join the conversation.